omg sick
1:35 reminds me soo much of Deadmau5's "Minecraft" inspired tracks :)))
we should deffinately collaborate on something in the future :)
all for the mau5y goodness of course.
Great work bro
~Sonik/ Dreameater
omg sick
1:35 reminds me soo much of Deadmau5's "Minecraft" inspired tracks :)))
we should deffinately collaborate on something in the future :)
all for the mau5y goodness of course.
Great work bro
~Sonik/ Dreameater
love love love this track
You are becoming quite the artist bro, and I'm not gonna lie... I cannot wait for our project dude. Sometimes when I'm listening to your Eminence album I just stop, and ask myself "How the fuck does he do it?"; usually this is followed by like 6 hours straight of fine tuning, and trying to fix the tracks I've been working on.
I really gotta hand it to you Matt you inspire me to be much much much better at what I do; so that one day I might get close to the skill level you have reached.
Amazing work Kaz, as always :3
~Dj Sonik
P.S. Thanks for dealing with all my fan-boy shit haha, but hey now you've got more support on the west coast :)
(P.S.S. Spun your original track Vermilion at my last gig and that shit went off xp; EVERYONE wanted to know who wrote it)
Cool :)
Kinda reminds me of a Kayne beat haha.
I like what you did with this song, but i notice it feels kinda dry; not much going on "Pad-wise" and the lead that comes in around 40 seconds seems a tad dry as well.
Overall this is a sweet jam, just needs some fine tuning :)
Great work bud I hope this helps.
~Sonik/ Dreameater
yo thanks ill keep that in mind for future tracks
pretty sick :)
Did notice some rough patches with the sub-bass though. You're very close to getting the dub bass that you are looking for, but instead of trying to automate the lfo of a 3osc; maybe just look for a better vst for bass?
take some of those lows out of the dub-bass. Obviously everyone wants a BEEFY-ass bass for dub-step, but too much low Frequency is possible :)
Overall though, this track is getting there :)
and if you would like any more help with your Dubstep, feel free to PM me :3
Can't wait to hear what you've got next :)
~Sonik/ Dreameater
Yea i could use a lot of help with dubstep, i'll pm you about it
Okay this is yours
So this is obviously what your work REALLY sounds like, and it's not bad!
It may not OMGROCKMYSOCKZORZ, but you're getting there.
Just keep at remixes like THIS and original tracks; the skill will come with time and a substantial amount of effort.
(P.S. Calling me and idiot and lashing out was pretty childish :/. you did NOT compose the melody for Hey Baby, and the sample work was pretty obvious... not trying to be a dick, that was never my intention, but you CANNOT pass off work from someone like Deadmau5 or Benni Benassi and expect it to go unnoticed... It's not like I'm bashing on you as an artist, zero bombing all your shit, or even questioning your talent... just sayin')
But dude, I did not use any samples, if you wan't me to send you the flp to see what I did, then ok, send me a pm.
It was my own work, making the melody, similar to his.
I never want to get into arguments like these, but also I can't just let someone say things like that.
Well at least thank you for taking your time to listen to my audio.
Omg this is sick! :D
Dude this tune is brilliant :3
I love all of the leads used here, and the progressive-house/ Club break @ 45 seconds followed by the entrancing melody that fades in; You've created quite a masterpiece.
Incredible work my friend; would love to throw a jam together with you one day. :p
Keep up the great work!
thnks allot Sonik :)
yes perhaps we could do something together one day.. seems fine with me tho.
Sick tune, very relaxing :)
Loved the deep bass and string sounds. Everything sounds fluid and brilliant; I've got no complaints :)
Awesome work my friend I hope to hear more from you in the future.
~Dj Sonik
Thank you sir.
damn dude!
You've gotten pretty amazing, I love the sample choices :).
Methinks we should really do a collaboration one of these days.
Keep up the amazing work :p
~Dj Sonik/ Dreameater
Fucking sick!
This is amazing! :)
Would love to hear more though!
Finish it?
~Dj Sonik/ Dreameater
Ohhhhhh sick :O
This Is pretty amazing for how simple the melodies are, and I Love the breaks and grooves.
I did find it slightly repetitive towards the end though :(
Maybe add in something else? or build off of what you already have?
either way; you still get a ten... (and a review from Metaljonus >:o VVV)
awesome work!
~Dj Sonik
I know exactly what you mean :].
Age 33, Male
E-commerce Systems A
Cal Poly Pomona
Los Angeles, CA
Joined on 11/27/07