
Nick Scyoc @DreamEater

Age 33, Male

E-commerce Systems A

Cal Poly Pomona

Los Angeles, CA

Joined on 11/27/07

Exp Points:
4,776 / 4,900
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Vote Power:
6.31 votes
Pvt. First Class
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B/P Bonus:
6y 7m 12d

DreamEater's News

Posted by DreamEater - October 26th, 2010

By Invite Only, Friday Oct, 29th 2010.

18+/ B.Y.O.B./ Costumes Mandatory.
Indoor/ Outdoor, Vip Lounge, Beer Pong, Dance Floor, and Smoking Area.
Hosted by Such & Such Entertainment

If you've already got your invite, we'll see you there ^^
and Happy Halloween everybody!

(If you live in the so-cal area, and you are interested in attending send me a PM and we can work out the details)

Thanks all
~Dj Sonik

Halloween Party 2010 (Dj Sonik, Dj T1lT, and more to come!)

Posted by DreamEater - August 10th, 2010

(for those of you who have inquired about "which programs i use" and whatnot)

So over the past week i started posting all new tracks for the sonic paradox team using my music making arsenal of software and hardware, and to be honest i'm slightly overwhelmed with all of the new gear.
I want to learn everything I can about all of this technological madness (that I don't understand already)
so... much like when i started my musical career on Newgrounds.com; i'm working primarily on the sonic mixes that i never got around to remixing/ wasn't ever pleased with my efforts in remixing.

So in the Sonic Paradox: Project 20 (Music Collab); expect to hear sounds and rhythms from some new programs and software of mine including:


Reason 4: Line 6 Adapted (UX2)
Line 6: POD Farm
Numark M-Series Mixer Software
RiffWorks%u2122 T4
Rane: Serato SL3 Scratch Live
FL Studio 5-9
Native instruments: Battery 3 & Absynth 4
and a few other personal favorite vst plugins/ sample packs of mine.


Rane: Serato SL3 Soundcard/ Dj Hub
Macbook Pro
2 Numark: Direct Drive Phono Turntables W/ Numark Needles
Numark: M2 Usb/ Phono Dj Mixer
Oddessy: (Black Label) Carpeted Glide/Battle Style Turntable Case
2 Oddessy: Carpeted 19" Rackboxes
Line 6: Spyder 2 Digital Amplifier W/ 18 inch Speaker
Line 6: UX2 Recording Hub
Samson: 1200x Rackmount Power Amplifier
2 ElectroVoice: 270 watt, 2-way passive PA speakers
Kustom: PA Head w/ speakers
Orange: 30 watt practice amp
Logitech: 5:1 Home Theater System
Peavey: Max 115 60W Combo Bass Amp
(Old Faithful) Compaq Presario Desktop
A BiLLIoN midi, phono, A/V, and 1/4 inch cables
a pos...
Crate: Six String electric guitar
and some other unmentioned pieces.

Anyone can check the status of the collab at: <a>http://sonicparadox.webege.com/<a>

and if you are an artist interested in joining a collaboration you can always check out the forum and show yo skills! =D

So If anybody would like to collab or throw me a few tips?
feel free to PM me or contact me through AIM at anytime.

Thanks guys and keep on listening x3
~Dj Sonik (xsakux)

(Sonic Paradox) Project 20 Music Collaboration; Bringing it all together.

Posted by DreamEater - April 29th, 2010

Native instruments ftw.


Collaborations to be finished:

Dj Kazm0 <a>http://kazmo.newgrounds.com/

MC Exceptid <a>http://exceptid62190.newgrounds.com /

Keep listening! =D
~Dj Sonik

Dj Sonik's Got Some New Drum Keetz ^^

Posted by DreamEater - July 9th, 2009

That's right Ladies and Gentlemen; Dj Sonik is now officially opening commission on songs.
So if there is any song you would like made...
all you have to do is message me with the info (Genre, Style, Sound, Speed, etc...)
and specify whether or not you want a remix or an original.

If i sell a song to you... it is from then on under YOUR OWNERSHIP
and know that i am i nice guy =]
so i'll send you various samples to let you hear what is going on before i actually master the track and render it to mp3.


The only requests that i will be taking from this point are those that will IN FACT be going into flash animations. (Sorry guys i love ya all but i don't have the time to do freebies anymore =[)

Message me for payment info (i'm willing to be flexable and im not charging anything higher than 40 dollars{and thats for like a massive original}) Just message me and we'll talk =]

Thanks for taking the time to listen again
you guys are awesome, and i hope you all
dig the new direction I'm taking.

Much Love & Respect
~Dj Sonik (XsakuX)

3 New Songs written with new equipment, and commissions are now open! (DJ Sonik)

Posted by DreamEater - June 5th, 2009

Vote For The Envy Of A Paragon Now! =DIf you have a Myspace Profile Please support Dj sonik By Putting the "tape player wiget thing" In your Profile (Only for 28 days) then you can take it down if you want ^^;;; Muchos love <3

Hey guys Dj sonik stopping in to ask a favor from his listeners ^^

I am currently participating in a contest on myspace called "Rock the space".
In this contest a panel of judges from A&R Records review all of the songs with a decent amount of votes, and a select few artists are to be picked to be published by Myspace records. Along with all of this, They are totally throwing down 10k in cash for musical equipment for the grand prize.

Listen guys, I have been making music from the bottom of my heart and soul for every person in the world to hear, and i'm going on my third year of doing it for free. I'm not a kid anymore and this music is the only thing i feel that i am truly good at. The Sad reality is, I'm gonna need some way to pay the bills. (cause i'm a broke ass lol)

So Please take 2 seconds out of your day to vote for the big guy huh?
I fckin love you guys
keep listening
and hopefully i can continue to make more music for free just a tad longer ^^;;;

~Dj Sonik


Vote For The Envy Of A Paragon Now! =D
If you have a Myspace Profile Please support Dj sonik By Putting the "tape player wiget thing" In your Profile (Only for 28 days) then you can take it down if you want ^^;;; Muchos love <3

Vote for The Envy Of A Paragon on Myspace.com in the 'Rock The Space' Competition.

Posted by DreamEater - April 26th, 2009

Life is moving way to fast right now ^^;
I'm already a college student and high school just faded away like nothing.
It kinda seems that the one thing that still makes sense through all of this madness is music.
I love making my music...
and i love hearing how much it has done for you guys.
In just this past year, people have messaged me with stories of driving around with their friends and bumping my tunes in their cars, playing my music at parties, and just listening for funzies. =P
Newgrounds has taken my music places that i have never even been, and given it to people i have never met.
for that
i thank This site.

Guys, i only hope that i can continue to bring my music to you for your dancing pleasure for years to come.

thanks alot

~Dj Sonik

Posted by DreamEater - October 7th, 2008

Wow its almost been a year on Ng... and its time to take my music to the THIRD LEVEL OF POWAH!

I want to start of by giving a shout out to ALL of my fans. You guys are great, and i never could have imagined that so many of you would have provided so much support through all of the hard times.
you guys rock!... srsly =D.


I am proud to say that i am permenantly establishing my Artist name as DJ Sonik.

Now i am very well aware that over this past year i have been known by a couple of names, however today i would like to end the confusion.

the name is in fact Dj Sonik
not saku
not dj xsakux
not sonikstorm
not Dj 50n1k570rm

My next step will most likely be to start a new ng account under the username Dj Sonik.
but that will come in time.

until then i will continue to compose the music you all love to hear =D.

Again thank you guys for your unconditional support, it means the world.

Until next time

~Dj Sonik


{If you guys have any requests for any songs or projects PLEASE PM ME WITH YOUR REQUESTS. If you leave them in a comment on a song there is a good chance i will miss it D=. I will reply to all PM's that i can so go ahead and holla at me XD}

What's in a name? (update on your favorite sonic the hedgehog tribute artist/Dj)

Posted by DreamEater - May 7th, 2008


Hey guys whats up =D
first off i just want to thank everybody for the massive amounts of support
and throw a special shout out to some of the guys that have helped my music progress to what it is today
(Black-The-Hedgehog, WarriorSTH, XInfinityZero, The Wax, RGXSuperSonic, ZeRo_BaSs, Aya_niikura, and DjHavockVirus) [thank you guys so much for everything]

but yeah i decided to update you guys on everything going on and get your opinions

a couple days ago i released my Dire Dire Docks Remix and my new original An Endless Innocence and the sounds i used were like nothing ive ever done before
i like to think they have a nice mellow Ambient/Air Trance feel to them and its time to ask for some feedback

ive done alot of different styles and i need to know what you guys want to hear
more like
1.The Aftershock
2.The 50N1k570rm
3. No. 7
4.Lost In Light
or of course
5.An Endless Innocence

also if you guys want a sonic, mario, kirby, banjo kazooie, or starfox mix (THAT IM INTERESTED IN DOING)

let me know and we can work somthing out

so yeah just let me know guys, it would be much appreciated

till next time
enjoy the musak <3
~DjxSakuX (Dj50N1k570Rm)

Taking A new Direction =o

Posted by DreamEater - November 27th, 2007

A little about myself ^^

I love this girl <3

My darling fiance <3 nicole collard

She is my divine inspiration for everything i do <3 she is my light and my drive to
be somthing in life, i will do everything i can to keep her by my side. One day my name will
be known <3

I love sonic remixes so if you got one that you think is worthy of my ears lemme at it.

I am THE Guitar Hero
you cannot beat me
so dont try Xp

for now <3

So yeah here i am on newgrounds ^^