
313 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Tribal/ Minimal huh? Different :)

This submission is very unique! The different spectrum of sounds was nice to hear, and I really enjoyed the Tool-esque composition. The ambient breaks were also very smooth on the ears.

The drums seem to have the most work put into them, and everything sounds very nice and clear. Honestly the only thing this piece needs... Is some more instruments.

What I can hear sounds good, but maybe you should think about adding something more? A lead melody to help fill the emptiness up, or even a vocal track!

Things to take a second look at:
- That little lead pluck synth sounds really generic, and fake in comparison to all of your other samples. (maybe layer it or pick something different?)
- I didn't really hear a huge dynamic rise or fall in this song, and I really would have like to hear more fx/ background stuff

Regardless of what you do, I'm more than convinced that this needs something more :)

Great effort though!
~Dj Sonik

-Review Request Club-

megakill responds:

Hey thanks for the review, I'm glad you like it!

You're the second person to say that it needs something extra added to it, which I can appreciate, but at this point in time, I have no idea how I'd alter it. Maybe I will decide to go back and mix things up a little.

Your input is much appreciated though, thanks a bunch!

Chill & Upbeat! Reminds me of sonic the hedgehog..

menu music that is :)
Very chill, very retro, and very interesting sample choices!

I really loved the melodies, and chill instrumentation in this song; the instruments sound kind of fakeish, but still work somehow :D. I would really love to hear a version of this song with more professional sounding instruments for sure!

Things I would have done differently:
- The Piano/ guitar/ drums/ bass could all use better samples
- The drum patterns sounded slightly bland in certain areas of this tune

I still give this song a 9 and fave though, because i really love the melodies (So retro-sonic-ish) :)

Great Work!
~Dj Sonik

-Review Request Club-

The-iMortal responds:

Thank you very much for the review!

In response to your comments regarding the sample quality, like stated in the author's comments, this was written in Guitar Pro 6, a music writing program, designed for composition writing, rather than final sound quality :)

Also, Sonic-ish? Retro, for sure, but I didn't expect this to sound like a retro video game track. Maybe it's the lead synth, lol


This song seriously reminds me of a "Snow/ Winter" level in a video game!
I love the driving beats, The pure sounding piano, the choices in leads, and phat bass-line sounded great!! I really give you props on those piano/ lead melodies dude; So sickkk :)

Things I would have done a little differently:
- This song gets a tad busy in some spots, between 50-60 seconds is a pretty good example.
- The High pass filtration you used seems to seep a tad too much, don't go so crazy with those automations

Other than that though...
This is phenomenal work!

~Dj Sonik

-Review Request Club-

alertG responds:

:D thanks a lot. ill definitely remember this


This is actually quite good!

I loved the drop at 1:00 dude, very powerful and professional sounding!
Around 2:00 I think you are being a bit hard on yourself; this sounds really great, and it's a great dynamic fall from the energy in the previous phrase!

Overall This song is actually really great, and I would much rather hear more stuff like this than remixes of other peoples work!

Great stuff!

~Dj Sonik

-Review Request Club-

DJDela responds:

@2:00 I think it sounds like a totally different song, that's why I said I failed.
I might try with a totally different melody there.
Thanks for the review, it means a lot to me.

Solid Re-make

This was actually really spot-on till about 37 seconds; I felt like you really had that "Benassi feel" nailed.

Once the lead layer comes in though, it seems to take away from the professional sound of the song (Maybe mess with this lead in eq a bit more?)

All and all though I enjoyed this remake, and I can't wait to hear some original Dela goodness.

~Dj Sonik

DJDela responds:

Well, I can't be expected to make it exactly the same. :)
The bass is relatively easy to do, but the lead synth is the problem. :P

Thanks man.

About my stuff though, I'm actually quite lazy, so I just do a one minute wip, and leave it until I get some new ideas (which usually takes a long time, hah).

Decent work.

For the most part I really like the drum beats and strings. I honestly think it would have been better if you added vocals though :p

The leads you chose are okay, but i notice that this song is kinda off key in some spots...

Here's what I suggest:
- This seems a bit busy, and the drum beats sound a bit generic
- The melody is pretty repetitive, and this song could use some dynamics
- The drums don't sound to great when everything breaks away, and they are heard by them-self for that couple seconds
-Honestly this track seems like it was done pretty fast, and lazily. (Really take time on a song, and work on it for more than a day if you're really feeling inspired.

Keep at it buddy!
~Dj Sonik

-Review Request Club-

dx5231 responds:

Yeah, I made this song pretty quickly, I started this in one day and finished on the next one, because whenever I take too long to make a track, I usually get bored of it. Since I actually wanted to make something after this long time without procrastinating A LOT, I tried to do it fast. What a lazy fuck I am.

Yeah I know how simple the drums are, I should've worked better on that. And lol yeah I don't know what I was thinking when I made the song break away totally with only the drums being played.

And well, I have some problems with making the songs non-repetitive. Well, I guess I should actually rap over the next song I make. Now, I just gotta get a decent mic, and write some decent rhymes.


I'm getting down to this, but I'm also realizing this piece is rather minimal. Hip-hop generally tends to be kind of in-your-face, one way or another. The piano melody seems like it works pretty well, and I see where you were going with the strings...

If I could make a couple suggestions though:
- I definitely think that the drums need more here; Hip-Hop is built around a hard-hitting drum-beat, phat bass-line, and great vocals.
- The drums realllllly need some attention, and the mixing could use some fine tuning as well.

Overall; not a bad submission, but this definitely needs a few changes before I can really classify it as an EPIC piece.

Keep at it though, you're not too far off!
~Dj Sonik

-Review Request Club-

ESTAR48 responds:

thanks for your advice, yeah i know my song could be better, im new in this genre so i have to expand my skills in this, im just exploring, its new to me, but i really appreciate you like this, and yeah im thinking on putting some rap verses and some vocals ;)

Really enjoyed this song for the ambient aspects

The string samples really seemed to complete the beginning melody of the song really well. I surrounding ambiance, and rain samples really gave me a melancholy feeling. I can almost visualize a dark city shrouded in grey clouds, and dark auras.

The driving trance beat really took me by surprise in this song, I was rather impressed by the dynamic elements of this tune! I also really enjoyed the addition of the flute in this as well, very nice.

Things I would change:
- This tune is great, but kind of repetitive; I really found myself wanting something different around 6 minutes in. The changes to the melody were subtle, but I started to feel like the point was starting to get lost. (work on creating that great gradual build up, but try not to forget the payoff :P)
- I would have loved to hear more percs, hits w/ delay, and more complicated rhythms as well

Overall; there are some great aspects to this song, and some not so great ones...
Just try to work out those kinks, and you've got an amazing piece of work here :D

~Dj Sonik

-Review Request Club-

YakovlevArt responds:

yeah i know what you mean. When i produced this I was just letting go and naturally making a track that i thought felt nice. I know what your talking about "after 6 mins" I really could have done more.I guess I was so entranced by the melody and samples I was afraid to change...
I'll definitely take your advise into consideration.
Thanks a lot for the review!

Have to agree with Haggard here

This is a great piece, but it doesn't remind me of Samurai Warriors but nice anyway :p. This really reminds me of over-field/ battle music for a game like Zelda. I instantly picture a warrior riding his horse across the plains as sundown begins to blanket an endless field of green, beautiful :].

I really enjoyed the orchestral samples in this piece, they really seemed to give off a sense of Urgency/ Gradual Progression; simply great work :)

Things to look at:
- Some of the samples you used seemed to be a little cheesy sounding; I wasn't in love with all of the string samples you chose, but the song still works.
- The percussion in this was a tad minimal for my taste
- If you really want to nail that Oriental sound; Research Pentatonic scales, and look for some realistic sounding Japanese instrument samples :)

Overall... Great effort!

~Dj Sonik

-Review Request Club-

BenTibbetts responds:

All right--thank you for the review. I will work on building my collection of sample libraries and consider your advice. :)

Interesting take on the original.

I liked the overall ambiance of this track, and the breakbeats were definitely very chill. The samples you chose were very nice, and airy. The vocals stayed in sync with everything very well, and the string samples in the background were also a nice touch.

Things I would focus on more:
- The vocals seemed to be bogged down by the surrounding instruments in some spots
- That main snare hit seemed to bug me a tad
- The sample feedback gets a little out of hand @ 3:10 and rings out pretty loudly for the next 20 seconds; I get what you were going for and I like it... but eq that feedback down a tad, and try to make it a bit more of a background noise
- The bells at the end of the song are pretty generic sounding (layer, layer, layer)

Overall though, good effort.
~Dj Sonik

-Review Request Club-

MobiusIII responds:

Thanks for the constructive criticism. Glad you took the time to check it out!


Nick Scyoc @DreamEater

Age 33, Male

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Cal Poly Pomona

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