
630 Audio Reviews

313 w/ Responses

Seriously Incredible

Every time I hear something new from you, I swear to myself that you'll never be able to top it; then you do.

Again & again you blow my mind with these amazing productions, and I turn into a little kid out of sheer excitement. You have a gift my friend, and I'm confident that one day that gift will move the world.

~Dj Sonik (xsakux)

Smooth :]

You've got quite the composition here my friend, I really like this :]

Everything sounds pretty well balanced, I really like your drums/ patterns, and your bassline is great (although it is kinda simple). I liked your choice in leads in this song, but I did feel that they sounded a bit too dry/ quiet.

Things to take a second look at:
- Although everything sounds well pieced together; this song could use a lot more attention as far as quality goes. (I felt that as a whole, this song could have been more "In-your-face"
- I also would have liked to hear more variation in your bass patterns

Overall not bad, but could have been more Unique


-Review Request Club-

LUK4IS responds:

I'm glad you liked this! I will definitly work on better basslines for future songs. Thanks for the review!


Sorry dude, but we have a pretty strict rule against posting spam; I don't feel like reviewing the work that you shit out to annoy the masses :/

Overall this song is crap; a bunch of noise and some jackass babbling about whatever :/

Please feel free to submit some more work for reviewing, when you actually put some RRREEEAAALLL work into something that is... -.-


-Review Request Club-

Chill and mysterious :o

This song is really nice dude! :D

The piano tone that you've chosen for this song, has a very nice "Crystal" vibe to it; I really love how you captured that cavern atmosphere within this song as well. Your mixing sounds superb, and I could really imagine this playing in a level within a video game (this really has a nice professional sound to it)

I honestly can't say that I would change much, if anything; It would be nice to hear a longer version.

Brilliant work! :D


-Review Request Club-

BenTibbetts responds:

Thanks Sonik!

Does have an interesting oriental feel to it...

I do however think that the drums may be a bit too IN YOUR FACE in this song though :[. I loved all of the background melodies (bass/leads), but your white noise stuff was crazy overbearing.

Things to take a second look at:
- I don't think your "wubs" sound exactly right; you're killing it with that noise wave :[
- The snare is too much here
- your build is a bit confusing

Overall nice effort, but I think this could use a bit more work :[


-Review Request Club-

SuperBastard responds:

Thanks for the review! I completely agree with all of your criticism, and I fully intend on putting all of that to advice to good use as soon as I get the chance. Once again, thanks for the honest review, you guys are doing me a lot of good!

Interesting :p

You're intro really had me convinced that a big trance break was coming, but what dropped instead seems to be some sort of combo between Arabic scales/ Video game patterns... Which is not bad, but not really what I think you would classify as trance.

Things to take a second look at:
- I really like what you have done with the arpeggiated instruments in the beginning of the song, but they seem oddly mixed as some of your samples sound lower quality than others.
- Your drums are practically non-existent in this track; A good trance song should have a LOT more backbone in the way of percussion

Overall, not bad... but could use some more work :p


-Review Request Club-

Stargenx responds:

Thanks for the review! I'm not good at categorizing things. My apologies if you were mislead!

Getting better, one song at a time :]

Dude you seriously hit the nail right on the head with this track! Your drums are enchanting, The leads are perfect, I love your use of delay/ reverb decay, the builds/ drops are amazing, and the mixing mastering is right on!

You could seriously get something this good on Anjunabeats IMO! :]]

...Need I say more?...

Amazing work my friend :]
(Can't wait to collab Simon, we're gonna smash some faces :])


-Review Request Club-

Making a glitch-crush-misc loop apparently!

This thing is actually not the most "in-audible" thing I've ever heard, and I could see this being morphed into a sick "AdultSwim Bump" with a bit of adjustment.

Things to take a second look at:
- The drum track/ bassline sound a bit lost (Maybe find a way to change that)
- We have a rule against submitting spam stuff... so I hope you figure out what you're doing before you send us another request :(

Overall; weird

-Review Request Club-

MutantMindframe responds:

Thanks! I've been trying to improve my mixing in my newer tracks. I can't tell what you mean by spam stuff, but the song title is meant to be taken literal. :)

not bad! :D

The mechanical arm/ drill noises were a nice touch, and the build up here was really nice...

The drop on the other hand could use some work; The high pitched bit at 1:22 killed me though

everything sounded pretty well balanced, the samples were all clean and clear, and then that noice dropped... I had to stop the song... it was bad times :L

I think that this remix has some really strong points, and some not so strong ones; I have to agree with Phobotech... great sounds here, but everything is better in moderation.

Great effort!


-Review Request Club-


This song has a very nice-trancy flow to it, and I really love the drum sounds that you've chosen here!

The leads sound okay, but I think that they might be a bit repetitive; The delay effect that you used sounds kinda weird, and the way that your leads cut away from the mix at a couple points kinda bugged me.

I don't hate this song
I don't love this song

I'm honestly stuck on the fence here; I like your mixing and drums, bit the leads effects could use work

Not bad, not great
But a solid effort!


-Review Request Club-


Nick Scyoc @DreamEater

Age 33, Male

E-commerce Systems A

Cal Poly Pomona

Los Angeles, CA

Joined on 11/27/07

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